Basic English Grammar

Phrase And Its Types With English To Urdu Examples

Phrase And Types With English Examples

In this article, we will discuss Phrase and their types in detail. The phrase is an important part of grammar and Phrase plays a key role in strengthening English. Now the question is why is Phrase necessary? What is its significance in English? Our English will not be strong without learning Phrase, so it is important to learn it. Phrase and his examples in Urdu will help you to learn English. We’ve made every effort to make it as simple as possible. A Phrase is a part of grammar that cannot be ignored and it is important to learn Phrase to improve English.

Phrase With Urdu To English Examples

The phrase is embellished with its types and many examples are given. These examples will add four moons to your English and your English will improve dramatically. Make your precious time more valuable and incorporate the given examples into the routine of daily life. Now don’t waste your time here. Download Phrase and its examples in PDF format now.


A group of words without a finite verb and without a subject is called ‘’phrase’’.


Once in a blue moon. (prepositional phrase)

ایک بار نیلے چاند میں۔

we’re waiting for the movie. (verb phrase)

فلم کا انتظار کر رہے تھے ۔

The nice neighbor (noun phrase).

اچھا پڑوسی ۔

The kinds of phrase


  • Preposition phrase   
  • Conjunction phrase
  •  Phrase verb/verb phrase     Phrase verb
  •  Adverb phrase     
  • Noun phrase

Preposition phrase

When a proposition consists of two or more than two words, is called ‘‘preposition phrase’’. for example:

Due to = because of =بوجہ کی وجہ سے

Due to rain, we could not play.

بارش کی وجہ سے ہم کھیل نہیں سکے۔

Owing to = because of =بوجہ کی وجہ سے

Owing to him, we lost the match.

اس کی وجہ سے ہم میچ ہار گئے۔

According to = کے مطابق

According to him, this story is wrong.

ان کے مطابق یہ کہانی غلط ہے۔

Because of = due to =owing to=کی وجہ سے

Because of his son, he suffered difficulties.

اپنے بیٹے کی وجہ سے انہیں مشکلات کا سامنا کرنا پڑا

Conjunction phrase

When a conjunction consists of two or more than two words, is called ‘‘conjunction phrase’’. for example:

In order that= so that=تاکہ

He works hard in order that he may pass the exam.

وہ سخت محنت کرتا ہے تاکہ وہ امتحان پاس کر سکے۔

So that = in order that =تاکہ

We played well so that we might win the match.

ہم نے اچھا کھیلا تاکہ ہم میچ جیت سکیں۔

Phrase verb/phrasal verb 

The verb which has a combination of prepositions are called ‘‘phrase verb’’. for example:

Blow up

The balloon blew up.

غبارہ اڑ گیا۔

Wake up

I woke up late.

میں دیر سے اٹھا۔

Put off

They put off the meeting.

انہوں نے اجلاس ملتوی کر دیا۔

Take off

He took off his shoes.

اس نے جوتے اتارے۔

Adjective phrase/Adjectival phrase

A group of words which is without a finite verb and without a subject, which performs the function of an adjective is called‘ ‘Adjective phrase/Adjectival phrase’’. for example:

A wealthy American man.

ایک امیر امریکی آدمی۔

A healthy Australian sheep.

ایک صحت مند آسٹریلوی بھیڑ۔

A successful running shop.

ایک کامیاب دکان۔

A wavy blue river.

 ایک لہراتی نیلی ندی۔

The adverb phrase/The adverbial phrase

A group of words which is without a finite verb and a subject, which perform the function of an adverb is called‘‘ adverb phrase/The adverbial phrase’’. for example:

Before going to his office.

اس کے دفتر جانے سے پہلے۔

After finishing my work.

اپنا کام ختم کرنے کے بعد۔

While watching a movie.

فلم دیکھتے ہوئے ۔

Early in the morning.

صبح سویرے۔

Noun phrase

A group of words that is without a finite verb and without a subject, which performs the function of a noun is called ‘’noun phrase’’.


Where to go now.

اب کہاں جانا ہے۔

How to call him back?

اسے کیسے واپس بلایا جائے؟

When to go there.

وہاں کب جانا ہے۔

Where to find a comfortable house.

آرام دہ گھر کہاں تلاش کریں۔

What to do.

کیا کرنا ہے۔

To win something.

کچھ جیتنے کے لیے۔

To win the final.

 فائنل جیتنے کے لیے۔

The function of a noun phrase

  •  As a subject
  •  As an object
  •  As a complement

As a subject 

How to reach there is a headache for us.

وہاں کیسے پہنچیں ہمارے لیے درد سر ہے۔

Why not go with them in their problem, not ours.

یوں نہ ان کے مسئلے میں ان کے ساتھ جائیں، ہمارے نہیں۔

Where to send him has not been decided yet.

اسے کہاں بھیجنا ہے اس کا ابھی فیصلہ نہیں ہوا ہے۔

To win the final was a challenge for us.

فائنل جیتنا ہمارے لیے ایک چیلنج تھا۔

What to do next is up to you.

آگے کیا کرنا ہے آپ پر منحصر ہے۔

As an object 

We have decided to win the final.

ہم نے فائنل جیتنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔

They don’t know what to do next.

وہ نہیں جانتے کہ آگے کیا کرنا ہے۔

Does he know how to reach there?

کیا وہ جانتا ہے کہ وہاں کیسے پہنچنا ہے؟

They have not decided where to send him.

انہوں نے فیصلہ نہیں کیا کہ اسے کہاں بھیجنا ہے۔

They don’t know where to find them.

وہ نہیں جانتے کہ انہیں کہاں تلاش کرنا ہے۔

As a complement

My aim is to make something now.

میرا مقصد اب کچھ کرنا ہے۔

My hobby is planning and growing flowers.

میرا شوق پلاننگ اور پھول اگانا ہے۔

Phrase And Its Types PDF Download

As I have described in detail above the phrase and its types and will improve your English. Get the full PDF now by clicking on the link below.


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